Friday, October 18, 2013

True Colors

Our Career Exploration class is learning about True Colors. The true colors are four different colors that mean different things. Blue means loving and calm, green means they want to help you learn and they want to learn, orange means energetic and outgoing, and yellow means they always have to have everything go a specific way. Mr. Dundas I say is the color yellow. This is because he always has to have class go a certain way and to stay on task. Mrs. Rigdon I think is orange. I think this becuase she is very, very energetic and makes every moment she can in class count. Mr.Tripp on the other hand though I think he is green. He always is trying to learn new things musically and wants to help teenagers learn as well. The last teacher is Mr. Boyars. I think Mr. Boyars is blue. He is alwasy calm and is never angry. Some of my friends are different though. My friend Hannah is defintely orange. She is very crazy and always energetic. My friend Ali though is very blue. Whenever I need a freind to talk to or someone to make my day better I know she always will be able to. Ivy is yellow. She is very compettive and wants to always be on the winning team. She is very organized as well and likes things to go a certain way. My last friends would be Kamryn. Kamryn I feel is very green. She alwasy likes to learn new things and is always rather calm. I can't wait for Monday to come to see what my true colors are!

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