Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Government adn Public Administration

This week in our Career Exploration class we researched out of the Government and Public Administration cluster. The two careers I choose were Political Scientists and Tax Preparers. Although they have their similarities, the two careers both shared some differences as well. Aside from their differneces they had quite a few similariteis. One thing they both share in common is that they both have to a very vast knowledge of Law and Government. Without knowing about Law and Government you couldn't achieve things in these jobs. As well as Law and Government both jobs share these qualities: english language, customer and personal service, active learning, reading comprehension, critical thinking, writing, near vision, oral expression, and writing comprehension. These jobs are also very differnet from each other. One big differnece is there wages. For a Political Scientists they make $49.04 hourly and $102,000 annually. While a Tax Preparer only makes $16.22 hourly and $37,900 annually. Another major difference is the education required. You have to have a higher education to be a Political Scientist, most have a doctoral or professioal degree. A Tax Preparer though only needs to have a high school diploma or equivalent. As well as wages and edication there projected growth is different as well. A Political Scintists projected growth is only 3% to 9%, while for a Tax Preparer their growth is 10% to 19%. I think this cluster is very intresting but I could not pursue a job very well. The careers in this cluster do not really appeal to me as some of the other careers. But, without these careers we would have no government and the world would be quite different.

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